
Environmental benefits of organic farming

     1- Consume less energy

     organic farming does not rely on the use of synthetic fertilizers as opposed to conventional tech that is generous with these external chemicals. avoiding fertilizer contributes to a greater cause of energy .on all of its safe to say that the energy usage is lower by at least 30 to 50 percent in the organic farming system. 

   2- Reduced nitrogen

         nitrogen is a key ingredient in the manufacture of fertilizer used in traditional farming. its usage has increased exponentially over the last few years. the nitro release negatively impacts biodiversity and pollutes the water bodies.

  3- Healthy soil facilitate 

       organic farming is all about natural cultivation practices, which are fairly superior to chemical soil management in terms of the ultimate impact on soil. organic methods are sure that the healthier and more useful.

   4- The effects of global warming

    organic farming as a sustainable practice also contributes towards curtailing the phenomenon of global warming. hence organic farming can be called the flagbearer of sustainable farming with all its environmental benefits.

    5- Reduce exposure to harmful chemicals

      the output of the crops from a finite piece of land, farmers tend to rely heavily on pesticides.these pesticides artificially help to make the crops resistant to diseases and, hence boost farm output.


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