Showing posts with label crops. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crops. Show all posts


What is mulching and its advantages ?


Mulch is a layer of organic material, such as a, cut grass or baggage which is placed on the surface of the soil in order to conserve moisture in the soil , to hold down weeds, and eventually to improve the soil structure and fertility. Mulching is one of the Nature's method for treating soil in the forest and can he imitated by skillful farmer.

Advantage of mulching 

  • Plants that are mulched are protected from harsh temperature. The Mulch keeps the soil cooler. This is especially helpfull in hot climates. The mulch stop the hot, drying sun and winds from penetrating the soil and thus conserve soil moisture and coolness.
  • The layer of mulch also protects the soil from erosion, caused by wind and heavy rains.
  • Mulching helps soil fertility. Mulch material contain minerals and plant nutrition. Rains wash some nutrient from the mulch into the soil. 
  • Mulching can save the farmer time and labour. A mulched gardens will have very few weeds, especially if Mulch is applied before the weeds get a start. The mulch also keep the soil loose , and thus reduce the need for cultivation.
  • crops such as tomatoes, melons and Cucumber are especially benefied by mulch.
  • The mulch stops soil from comming in contact with fruits rot and fungus diseas.