Showing posts with label pomegranate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pomegranate. Show all posts


8 health benefits of Pomegranate



Pomegranate juice contains higher levels of antioxidants than most other fruits juice. it also has three more time antioxidants then red wine and green tea.

2-vitamin c

The juice of single Pomegranate has more than 40 percent of your daily requirements of vitamin C.

3-cancer prevention

Pomegranate juice recently made a spalsh when researchers found that it may help stop the growth of prostate cancer cells.

4-Alzheimers disease  protection

The antioxidants in the juice and their high concentration are believed to stall the progress of alzheimers disease and protect memory.


The juice is currently being studied for its potential effects on osteoporosis, and other types of arthritis and joint inflammation.

6-heart disease

Pomegranate juice is in the running as the most heart healthy juice. it appears to protect the heart and arteries.

7-Blood pressure

Drinking Pomegranate juice daily may also help lower systolic blood pressure . A comprehensive review of randomized controlled trails stated that it would be beneficial for heart health to include Pomegranate juice daily.


Drinking 8 ounce of Pomegranate juice a daily may improve learning and memory, according to recent study.



Pomegranate irrigation

Pomegranate is more prone to disease and pests. Water and fertilizer management is of utmost importance , as an excess of both these resources could results in excess operational expenses. 

Water and fertilizer application could impact the aeration levels at the root systems, and further results in the development excces moisture . 

It involves large number of activities and operations, which could increased operational costs and labour costs. 

How presician irrigation helps? 

1-higher yields 

Precision irrigation involves frequent fertigation in sufficient volume based on the growth stage that result in the growth of the yields. The depth of irrigation is directly associated with the depth of the Pomegranate root system 80%of the feeding takes place in the 50 to 70 cm depth.

Precision irrigation helps prevent leaching of fertilizers beyond the feeding root zone. Adequate fertilizer use results is an increased Pomegranate yields.

2-Elinamate moisture stress 

Precision irrigation ellinimates moisture stress during the flowering and fruit setting stage. This guarantee optimal yields. 

Precision irrigation is only irrigation system that waters the plant root zone frequently, which helps in maintaining stress free moisture condition. 

3-Balance the growth of productivenes of vegetation

The balance between vegetative growth and prodyctiveness is imperative while growing Pomegranate. 

Precision irrigation so important for the flowering and so very much important when fruit size increased day by day. 



what is pomegranate(Anar kya he)?


  • The pomegranate orginated in the region extending from northen india to iran.
  • It was introduced into spanish america in the 16th century in american city california.
  • The fruits season typically in the northe side september to february and south side march to may.
  • Pomegranate are used in cooking,juice blends,meal,wine etc.
  • Nowday,it is so much widely cultivated throughout the indian subcontinent.
  • Today also ,cultivated so widely in gujarat.
  • In the 20th and 21st centuries,it has become more common in the shops and fruitsmarket.
  • The pomegranate is native place for gujarat and all around india.
  • Pomegarante crops hight allmost 5 to 7 m.
  • Drip irrigation system best suted for pomegarante crops.
  • Mainly in indain side farmer most off the used drip side irrigatiom system.
  • Best harvesting season for indian farmer is dec to jan.
  • Its been very hard side work in pomegranate farm.
  • pomegranate juice higher levels of antioxidants than other fruits juice.
  • If we can eating pomegranate daily removes the fat of the our body.
  • Also helps to pump the level of oxygen in our blood.
  • Pomegranate juice good for kidneys.