
types of farming?

    1- Terrace cultivation:
  • The hill and mountain slopes are cut to form terraces and the land is used in the same way as in permanent.
  • Soil is also checked due to terrace formation on hill slopes.

    2- Crops rotation:
  • The selection of crops mainly depends upon the rotation of local soil conditions and experience and the understanding of farmers.
  • Highly fertilizer intensive crops like watermelon and tomatoes are rotated with care crops.

   3- Mixed and multiple agriculture:
  • Multiple farming is used to denote the practice of growing two or more crops together.
  • Mixed farming is referred to as the cultivation of crops and the raising of animals simultaneously.
  • In such a case, a number of crops having varying maturing periods are sown at the same time.

   4- Dry agriculture:
  • Growing crops without irrigation in areas that receive an annual rainfall of 800 mm -400 mm or even less.

   5- Plantation agriculture:
  • Plantation farming is bush or tree farming. It was introduced by the Britisher in the 19th century.
  • It is singel crops farming of muskmelon, watermelon, tea, coconut, okra, etc.
  • Plantation agriculture is export-oriented agriculture.

  6- Shifting agriculture:
  • In this type of agriculture, first of all, a piece of forest land is cleared by felling trees and burning of trunk and branches.
  • After the land is cleared, crops are grown for two to three years, and then the land is abandoned as the fertility of the soil decrease.
  • The farmers then move to new areas and the process is repeated.


તરબુચ ની ખેતી(watermelon farming)?


તરબુચનુ વાવેતર ઉતર ગુજરાતમાં મોટા પાયે થાય છે. પ્રાપ્ત જાનકારી મુજબ ગુજરાત મા અંદાજે 7500 હેક્ટરમાં આ  ફળનુ વાવેતર થાય છે. ખેડૂતો 50% તરબૂચ વાવેતર કરે છે. જેમાંથી બનાસકાંઠા જિલ્લામાં સૌથી વધુ એટલે કે 5000 હેક્ટરમાં  ખેતી થાય છે. તેમાં 2500 હેક્ટરમાં વાવેતર માત્ર ડિસામાં જ થાય છે.

Health benefits of okra(bhinda)?

  1. It keeps you feeling full-okra have fiber helps you feel full for longer, which will keep you strong and safe.
  2. Its great for your digestion-high fiber content is great for the digestive tract and keeps you going more regularly.this not only helps keep your weight down but makes you very very healthy all day.
  3. Low-calorie food-okra have always low calories like other vegetables.
  4. It helps control cholesterol levels-okra have lowered LDL or bad cholesterol, which improves cardiac function.
  5. Cancer fighting-okra can provide much-needed support to cells in fighting off free radicals that can lead to cancer.
  6. Also, boost the immune system-the the healthy fiber in okra feeds much needed good bacteria in our intestines, which builds our immune power.
  7. Also stabilizes blood sugar-okra fiber is also responsible for slow rate down the rate of sugar level.
  8. It helps prevent diabetes-so good for diabetes patients.
  9. Helps prevent kidney disease-okra give so much protein and fiber and its very very suitable for kidney patient
  10. may have reduced asthma symptoms-okra powerful does of vitamin c has been linked to easing respiratory issues like asthma.
  11. It can give you shiny, bouncy hair-okra boiled cooled and mixed lemon drink can be applied your hair for so better for hair.
  12. Good for brain-okra are top brain food and is eaten frequently in the middle and far east by boys who needed a mental boost.


Environmental benefits of organic farming

     1- Consume less energy

     organic farming does not rely on the use of synthetic fertilizers as opposed to conventional tech that is generous with these external chemicals. avoiding fertilizer contributes to a greater cause of energy .on all of its safe to say that the energy usage is lower by at least 30 to 50 percent in the organic farming system. 

   2- Reduced nitrogen

         nitrogen is a key ingredient in the manufacture of fertilizer used in traditional farming. its usage has increased exponentially over the last few years. the nitro release negatively impacts biodiversity and pollutes the water bodies.

  3- Healthy soil facilitate 

       organic farming is all about natural cultivation practices, which are fairly superior to chemical soil management in terms of the ultimate impact on soil. organic methods are sure that the healthier and more useful.

   4- The effects of global warming

    organic farming as a sustainable practice also contributes towards curtailing the phenomenon of global warming. hence organic farming can be called the flagbearer of sustainable farming with all its environmental benefits.

    5- Reduce exposure to harmful chemicals

      the output of the crops from a finite piece of land, farmers tend to rely heavily on pesticides.these pesticides artificially help to make the crops resistant to diseases and, hence boost farm output.


what are the health benefits of fennel(variyali)?

1- Highly nutritious

both fannel and its seeds are packed with nutrients .fennel and seeds both have low in calories but provide many nutrients.

2-contain power]full plant compounds

The most impressive benefits of fennel and fennel seeds come from the antioxidants and potent plant compounds they contain.

3-clear heart health

eating fennel and its seeds may benefit heart health in a number of ways,as they are packed with fiber.fennel has so many nutrients like magnesium, potassium, and calcium.

4-May have cancer-fighting properties

fennel may help protect against chronic diseases, including certain cancer.

5-many benefits breastfeeding women

fennel may increase milk secretion and blood levels of a prolactin-a hormone that signals the body to produce breast milk.