
Best home made fertilizer?


       Fertilizer selection .the most of the gardens should use a complete fertilizer with twice as much phosphorus as nitrogen or potassium.some soil contain enough potassium for good plant growth and doesn't need more.



  • tree leaves -the fall leaves and putting them out on your curb, collect them for your gardens instead .also you can use leaves in two ways: either till them into your soil or use them as much to both fertilizers your plants and keep weeds lower.


  • manure-its comes from a variety of sources like a cow , buffalo, horses, and even bats. each type of manure is high in nitrogen.

  • weeds-just like grass clippings, many of the weeds that your gardens are very high in nitrogen and will make a better fertilizer for the farm.

  • kitchen scraps-kitchen and garden waste to work by making your own compost.


  • grass clippings-if u have an organic lawn, make sure to collect your grass clippings to use in the garden. its been very important for it.


  • coffee ground-its have been very interested .coffee grounds come with a lot of uses but one of their best is as a fertilizer.


  • banana peels-we eat bananas for their potassium and roses love potassium too.no matter what you are growing one or more thus fertilizer makes the sure garden thrive.

  • eggshells-its help lower the acidity of your soil for plants that don't like acid, and it provides plants with lots of calcium, which is an essential nutrient.


  • pomegranate crops-its a very very important fertilizer for an increase as a crop.

  • watermelon crops-such a great fertilizer for growing melon high size.

  • muskmelon crops-such the same as a watermelon.


if you have any doubts please let me know