The potato is a root vegetable native to the Americas. potato cultivars appear in a variety of colors, shapes, and sizes.
- Packed with nutrients- potatoes are an excellent source of many vitamins and many other sources .lots of calories, fat, protein, carbs, fiber potassium, phosphorus, and so many other nutrients.
- Improve blood sugar control- potato has a special type of starch known as resistant.reserch linked resistant starch to many health benefits.
- Many contain antioxidants-potato are so much in compounds like flavonoids and phenolic acids.
- Improve digestive health-potato also improve the health of the body also for the body to contain the best for smoothly and long drive.
- Extremely versatile- potato not only healthy, but they are also delicious and versatile.also potato can be prepaid in many ways, like boiled, baked, and steamed.