
Robots' benefits in the agricultural industry?


       Agricultural robots automate slow, repetitive, and dull tasks for farmers, allowing them to focus more on improving overall production plant.


 Agriculture is quickly becoming an exciting high-tech industry drawing new companies, and new investors like farmer investors. The technology is developing rapidly, not only advancing the production capabilities of farmers but also advancing robotics as we know it.  

        some of the main common robots are used in agriculture      

  • Harvesting and picking
  • Utility platforms
  • Sorting and packing
  • Weed control
  • Autonomous moving
  • Automatically seeding, spraying and thinging

         Harvesting and picking are some of the most popular applications in agriculture farms due to the accuracy and speed that robots can achieve to increase the size of the plant and reduce waste from crops being left in the field.                      


How to improve soil helath?

  • Per season change and rotate crops.
  • The important thing is to manage nutrients.
  • Reduce pesticide and use habitat for beneficial organisms.
  • Increase organic side inputs.
  • The main thing is to reduce tillage.
  • Growing cover crops per season.


  • Reduce inversion tillage and soil traffic.
  • Excessive tillage is harmful to soil health in several ways.
  • Also u need crop rotation, plant diversity, and management of residues.
  • Add at least 2 inches of organic matter each year.


how to implement watermelon plantation in india?


  • Botanically,watermelon is called citrulluslanatus and it belong toncucurbitaceae.
  • The watermelon raech length of 3 meters.
  • Watermelon need warm climate for growth.
  • It can be grown all through the year in place like gujarat,tamilnadu,rajasthan.


  • watermelon plant always under growcover.
  • During warm season crop, the plant requires sunshine and dry weather for production of fruits.
  • In india climate is mostly all season are suitable for melon cultivation(plantation).
  • In india most of the melon planatation start in month of the jan.
  • Watermelon grows best in black soil and sandy soil.
  • Warermelon is dry season crops and it must be planted with drip irrigation.
  • The watermelon are irrigated two days priod to showing and then again 5 days after sowing the seeds.


  • Irrigation is done on a weekly basis.
  • Watermelon is grwon on same soil only after a period of 3 years.
  • Watermelon grow from seeds.
  • There are different varieties in india like goldenglowery seeds.

grow cover watermelon planatation


what is pomegranate(Anar kya he)?


  • The pomegranate orginated in the region extending from northen india to iran.
  • It was introduced into spanish america in the 16th century in american city california.
  • The fruits season typically in the northe side september to february and south side march to may.
  • Pomegranate are used in cooking,juice blends,meal,wine etc.
  • Nowday,it is so much widely cultivated throughout the indian subcontinent.
  • Today also ,cultivated so widely in gujarat.
  • In the 20th and 21st centuries,it has become more common in the shops and fruitsmarket.
  • The pomegranate is native place for gujarat and all around india.
  • Pomegarante crops hight allmost 5 to 7 m.
  • Drip irrigation system best suted for pomegarante crops.
  • Mainly in indain side farmer most off the used drip side irrigatiom system.
  • Best harvesting season for indian farmer is dec to jan.
  • Its been very hard side work in pomegranate farm.
  • pomegranate juice higher levels of antioxidants than other fruits juice.
  • If we can eating pomegranate daily removes the fat of the our body.
  • Also helps to pump the level of oxygen in our blood.
  • Pomegranate juice good for kidneys. 


What is tiller in agriculture?

  • A power tiller is two wheeled machine.
  • tiller help in preparing the soil,seeds,crops,also planting seeds etc.
  • tiller also used for revolving cultivation in wet soil.
  • it is also used in pumping water ,harvesting.
  • power tiller is ideal where land side is samall.
  • hillyside area power tiller mostwidely used.
  • it is farm machine which is mainly used to cultivate.
  • tiller have many of the blades that breaks the moisture the soil.
  • tilller help for crops.
  • there are many types of tiller like petrol and diesel.
  • tiller also called us weeder or cultivator.
  • they are involved in vegetative and some cases of the seed production.
  • tiller can work on small as well as large farms.
  • in india where hilly site there are many farmer are used power tiller.
  • farmer have found power tillers to be useed in farm perday.
  • mini size and big size power tiller available.