
कपास की खेती के लिए फायदेमंद नोट्स


कपास की खेती के लिए मोसम /जलवायु

यदि प्रयाप्त सिचाई सुविधा उपलब्ध है तो कपास की फसल को मई माह में ही लगाया जाता है। सिचाई की प्रयाप्त उपलब्धि न होने पर मानसून की उपयुक्त वर्षा होते ही कपास की फसल लगा सकते है। कपास की उतम फसल के लिए आदर्श जलवायु का होना जरूरी है। फसल को उगाने के लिए मोसम का तापमान सामान्य रूप से 16 डीग्री और अकुरन के लिए आदर्श तापमान 32 से 34 डिग्री सेल्सियस उचित है। कपास के लिए आदर्श बारिश 50 सेंटिमिटर होना आवश्यक है और 125 सेंटिमिटर से ज्यादा बारिश होना हानिकारक है।

कपास की खेती के लिए भुमि का चुनाव 

कपास के लिए अच्छी जलघारन ओर ओर जल निकास क्षमता वाली भूमि होनी चाहिए। जिन क्षेत्रों में बारीश कम होती है वहां इसकी खेती अघिक जलघारन क्षमता वाली मटियार भूमि में की जाती है।

कपास की खेती के लिए खेत की तैयारी

उतरी भारत में कपास की खेती मुख्यत सिचाई की प्रयाप्त उपलब्धि में होती है। ईन क्षेत्रों में खेत की तैयारी के लिए ऐक सिचाई कर 1 से 2 गहरी जुताई करनी चाहिए एवं इसके बाद 3 से 4 हल्की जूताई कर पाटा लगाकर बुवाई करनी चाहिए। कपास का खेत तैयार करते समय यह याद रखे कि खेत पुरी तरह समतल हो ओर ताकि मिट्टी का जलघारन एवं जल निकास क्षमता दोनों अच्छे रहे। अगर खेतों मैं खरपतवार की समस्या न हो तो बिना जुताई से भी कपास की खेती की जा सकती है।

कपास की उन्नत किस्मे

देश में वर्तमान में बी. टी कपास अघिक प्रचलित है। जिसकी किसमो का चुनाव किसान भाइयों अपने क्षेत्र की परिस्थित के अनुसार ककर सकते हैं।



coconut use in india?


About coconut use in india 

Coconut play a major role in economy of India. Apart from the importance of copra and coconut oil which is widely used in the manufacture of soaps, hairoil, cosmetics, and other industrial products. 

Soil with minimum depth of 1.2 m and fairly good water holding capacity is preferred for coconut cultivation.

Properly supply of moisture either through well distributed rainfall or irrigation and sufficient drainage are essential for coconut. 

Coconut can be grwon in soil with PH of 5.2 - 8.6. 

In the commercial sector coconuts are mainly used for making ball copra and desiccated coconuts in karnataka, while in tamilnadu it is used for making milling copra and coconut oil . 

All the states coconuts is used in the raw form or in the dry from in the household for various culinary preparations. 

Coconut production plays an important role in the national economy of India. 



What is mulching and its advantages ?


Mulch is a layer of organic material, such as a, cut grass or baggage which is placed on the surface of the soil in order to conserve moisture in the soil , to hold down weeds, and eventually to improve the soil structure and fertility. Mulching is one of the Nature's method for treating soil in the forest and can he imitated by skillful farmer.

Advantage of mulching 

  • Plants that are mulched are protected from harsh temperature. The Mulch keeps the soil cooler. This is especially helpfull in hot climates. The mulch stop the hot, drying sun and winds from penetrating the soil and thus conserve soil moisture and coolness.
  • The layer of mulch also protects the soil from erosion, caused by wind and heavy rains.
  • Mulching helps soil fertility. Mulch material contain minerals and plant nutrition. Rains wash some nutrient from the mulch into the soil. 
  • Mulching can save the farmer time and labour. A mulched gardens will have very few weeds, especially if Mulch is applied before the weeds get a start. The mulch also keep the soil loose , and thus reduce the need for cultivation.
  • crops such as tomatoes, melons and Cucumber are especially benefied by mulch.
  • The mulch stops soil from comming in contact with fruits rot and fungus diseas.


Pomegranate irrigation

Pomegranate is more prone to disease and pests. Water and fertilizer management is of utmost importance , as an excess of both these resources could results in excess operational expenses. 

Water and fertilizer application could impact the aeration levels at the root systems, and further results in the development excces moisture . 

It involves large number of activities and operations, which could increased operational costs and labour costs. 

How presician irrigation helps? 

1-higher yields 

Precision irrigation involves frequent fertigation in sufficient volume based on the growth stage that result in the growth of the yields. The depth of irrigation is directly associated with the depth of the Pomegranate root system 80%of the feeding takes place in the 50 to 70 cm depth.

Precision irrigation helps prevent leaching of fertilizers beyond the feeding root zone. Adequate fertilizer use results is an increased Pomegranate yields.

2-Elinamate moisture stress 

Precision irrigation ellinimates moisture stress during the flowering and fruit setting stage. This guarantee optimal yields. 

Precision irrigation is only irrigation system that waters the plant root zone frequently, which helps in maintaining stress free moisture condition. 

3-Balance the growth of productivenes of vegetation

The balance between vegetative growth and prodyctiveness is imperative while growing Pomegranate. 

Precision irrigation so important for the flowering and so very much important when fruit size increased day by day. 



Solar Water pumps for agriculture


A solar water pumps system is commonly seen in residential and commercial use, as well as for irrigation of agriculture land.

Through solar panels , the pump can eliminated the cost of energy and provide a more feasible option that use energy from sun for pumping water.

The main use of solar pumps in irrigation

  • The solar water pumps are used for extracting water from ponds, rivers, bore wells or other sources of water.
  • Photovolatic system used in solar power generating used are scabale, with capacity ranging from a few watts for application such as automated farm gates or times, to hundreds of kilowatts for homested and Farm sheds.
  • Solar pumping system are best suited pumping operating like to pump water out of bore, for instance, or transfer it from the dam to storage tank, in which pumps run continously for most of the day.
  • In the farm that requires water to be pumped at night are not as well as suited to solar powerd pumps, as storage solutions such as battery's and storage tank can increase the cost of system.
  • For all the agriculture needs, the best alternative is solar energy.
  • Solar power generating system that have been tested and proven around the world to be cost effective and reliable, and they are already raising levels of agriculture productivity.