
कपास की खेती के लिए फायदेमंद नोट्स


कपास की खेती के लिए मोसम /जलवायु

यदि प्रयाप्त सिचाई सुविधा उपलब्ध है तो कपास की फसल को मई माह में ही लगाया जाता है। सिचाई की प्रयाप्त उपलब्धि न होने पर मानसून की उपयुक्त वर्षा होते ही कपास की फसल लगा सकते है। कपास की उतम फसल के लिए आदर्श जलवायु का होना जरूरी है। फसल को उगाने के लिए मोसम का तापमान सामान्य रूप से 16 डीग्री और अकुरन के लिए आदर्श तापमान 32 से 34 डिग्री सेल्सियस उचित है। कपास के लिए आदर्श बारिश 50 सेंटिमिटर होना आवश्यक है और 125 सेंटिमिटर से ज्यादा बारिश होना हानिकारक है।

कपास की खेती के लिए भुमि का चुनाव 

कपास के लिए अच्छी जलघारन ओर ओर जल निकास क्षमता वाली भूमि होनी चाहिए। जिन क्षेत्रों में बारीश कम होती है वहां इसकी खेती अघिक जलघारन क्षमता वाली मटियार भूमि में की जाती है।

कपास की खेती के लिए खेत की तैयारी

उतरी भारत में कपास की खेती मुख्यत सिचाई की प्रयाप्त उपलब्धि में होती है। ईन क्षेत्रों में खेत की तैयारी के लिए ऐक सिचाई कर 1 से 2 गहरी जुताई करनी चाहिए एवं इसके बाद 3 से 4 हल्की जूताई कर पाटा लगाकर बुवाई करनी चाहिए। कपास का खेत तैयार करते समय यह याद रखे कि खेत पुरी तरह समतल हो ओर ताकि मिट्टी का जलघारन एवं जल निकास क्षमता दोनों अच्छे रहे। अगर खेतों मैं खरपतवार की समस्या न हो तो बिना जुताई से भी कपास की खेती की जा सकती है।

कपास की उन्नत किस्मे

देश में वर्तमान में बी. टी कपास अघिक प्रचलित है। जिसकी किसमो का चुनाव किसान भाइयों अपने क्षेत्र की परिस्थित के अनुसार ककर सकते हैं।



coconut use in india?


About coconut use in india 

Coconut play a major role in economy of India. Apart from the importance of copra and coconut oil which is widely used in the manufacture of soaps, hairoil, cosmetics, and other industrial products. 

Soil with minimum depth of 1.2 m and fairly good water holding capacity is preferred for coconut cultivation.

Properly supply of moisture either through well distributed rainfall or irrigation and sufficient drainage are essential for coconut. 

Coconut can be grwon in soil with PH of 5.2 - 8.6. 

In the commercial sector coconuts are mainly used for making ball copra and desiccated coconuts in karnataka, while in tamilnadu it is used for making milling copra and coconut oil . 

All the states coconuts is used in the raw form or in the dry from in the household for various culinary preparations. 

Coconut production plays an important role in the national economy of India. 



What is mulching and its advantages ?


Mulch is a layer of organic material, such as a, cut grass or baggage which is placed on the surface of the soil in order to conserve moisture in the soil , to hold down weeds, and eventually to improve the soil structure and fertility. Mulching is one of the Nature's method for treating soil in the forest and can he imitated by skillful farmer.

Advantage of mulching 

  • Plants that are mulched are protected from harsh temperature. The Mulch keeps the soil cooler. This is especially helpfull in hot climates. The mulch stop the hot, drying sun and winds from penetrating the soil and thus conserve soil moisture and coolness.
  • The layer of mulch also protects the soil from erosion, caused by wind and heavy rains.
  • Mulching helps soil fertility. Mulch material contain minerals and plant nutrition. Rains wash some nutrient from the mulch into the soil. 
  • Mulching can save the farmer time and labour. A mulched gardens will have very few weeds, especially if Mulch is applied before the weeds get a start. The mulch also keep the soil loose , and thus reduce the need for cultivation.
  • crops such as tomatoes, melons and Cucumber are especially benefied by mulch.
  • The mulch stops soil from comming in contact with fruits rot and fungus diseas.


Pomegranate irrigation

Pomegranate is more prone to disease and pests. Water and fertilizer management is of utmost importance , as an excess of both these resources could results in excess operational expenses. 

Water and fertilizer application could impact the aeration levels at the root systems, and further results in the development excces moisture . 

It involves large number of activities and operations, which could increased operational costs and labour costs. 

How presician irrigation helps? 

1-higher yields 

Precision irrigation involves frequent fertigation in sufficient volume based on the growth stage that result in the growth of the yields. The depth of irrigation is directly associated with the depth of the Pomegranate root system 80%of the feeding takes place in the 50 to 70 cm depth.

Precision irrigation helps prevent leaching of fertilizers beyond the feeding root zone. Adequate fertilizer use results is an increased Pomegranate yields.

2-Elinamate moisture stress 

Precision irrigation ellinimates moisture stress during the flowering and fruit setting stage. This guarantee optimal yields. 

Precision irrigation is only irrigation system that waters the plant root zone frequently, which helps in maintaining stress free moisture condition. 

3-Balance the growth of productivenes of vegetation

The balance between vegetative growth and prodyctiveness is imperative while growing Pomegranate. 

Precision irrigation so important for the flowering and so very much important when fruit size increased day by day. 



Solar Water pumps for agriculture


A solar water pumps system is commonly seen in residential and commercial use, as well as for irrigation of agriculture land.

Through solar panels , the pump can eliminated the cost of energy and provide a more feasible option that use energy from sun for pumping water.

The main use of solar pumps in irrigation

  • The solar water pumps are used for extracting water from ponds, rivers, bore wells or other sources of water.
  • Photovolatic system used in solar power generating used are scabale, with capacity ranging from a few watts for application such as automated farm gates or times, to hundreds of kilowatts for homested and Farm sheds.
  • Solar pumping system are best suited pumping operating like to pump water out of bore, for instance, or transfer it from the dam to storage tank, in which pumps run continously for most of the day.
  • In the farm that requires water to be pumped at night are not as well as suited to solar powerd pumps, as storage solutions such as battery's and storage tank can increase the cost of system.
  • For all the agriculture needs, the best alternative is solar energy.
  • Solar power generating system that have been tested and proven around the world to be cost effective and reliable, and they are already raising levels of agriculture productivity.


What are benefits of farming?

farming creates opportunity to lift people out of poverty in developing nation. over approx 65% of the world in agriculture. Farming creates mor jobs, beganing with farmer's, and continuing with farm equipment makers, food processing plants , transportation, infrastructure and manufacturing.

Farming for a  living is hard work . Even with a part time off farm job, we work hard at the farming part for not a lot of money. Farming feels great when things are going smoothly. 


  • Earley agriculture
  • Modern agriculture opportunity
  • Development in farming sustainability
  • Farmer improve thier communities


What are the benefits of lemon?


Lemon are popular fruits that people use in small quantity to add flavor to food . However , they rarely consume them alone due to their intense , sour taste.

lemons give flavour to baked goods , sauces, salad dressings, drinks, and desserts, and they are also a good source of vitamin C.

Here are seven ways your body may benefits from lemon water
  • it's promots hydration.
  • it's good source of vitamins.
  • it's support wait loss.
  • it's improve your skin quality.
  • it's aids digestion. 
  • it's fresher breath.
  • it's helps prevent kideny stones.


The Honeybee in Agriculture?


Honeybee play big role in agriculture. They pollinate  crops , Increase yields , and give rise to a lucarative honey industry . Bees  are so important, in fact , that millions are spent renting hives to pollinate farmers crops. Over one third of the food  we eat relies on pollination by Bees, either directly or indirectly.

There are five important spices of honeybees and they are listed below

  • The Indian hive bees
  • The rock bees
  • The little bees
  • The European and Italian bees
  • Dammer Bees or stinglessbess
Honeybee are big money makers for Indian agriculture. These social and hardworking i sects produce six hive products. Honey pollen, royal jelly, and venom all collected and used by people for various nutrition and medical purposes. 

Are honey Bees important? 

globally there are more honey bees than other types of honeybees and pollnating insects, so it's world most important pollinator of food crops.


Solar-Powered Irrigation System?


Farmers have always played a significant role in our society as they provide the world's population with food. 

Solar energy might be one of easier way for farmers to produce energy. 

What is solar irrigation? 

Solar irrigation uses the sun's energy to power a pump which supplies water to crops to help growth. 

why is irrigation important? 

To grow highest quality crops in the most efficient way  they must have the right  amount of water at the right time. irrigation is controlled application of water to respond to crops needs. 

Getting water to the field? 

Anyone who has lifted water up from a well or river and carried it any distance will know of the energy this takes. it is therefore not surprised that humans have looked for ways to reduce the work load and increase the efficiency of lifting water over the years. 

Bringing solar energy into the filed? 

In single hour amount of power from the sun that strikes the earth is more than the entire world consume in a year. 

For a future solar pump, the process of solar energy to water pumped is simple . The sun stirke the solar panel which converts solar energy in to the elecrical energy. 

This electrical energy turns  a motor and flywheel which operates the piston which sucks water up and pushes water down. 

The simplicity of the system means fewest parts, and so low mainatance cost and its is so helpfully for the farmers. 

Aceesing solar irrigation pump? 

There are several different solar pump available in the market . All comes with different specification and are suitable for different farm size and distance of water. 



How future of organic food market in India?


The Indian economy  has enjoyed rapid  expansion in organic market in recent years, according to recently published research report "india organic food market forecast and opportunity , 2020", the organic food market india is projected to register growth  at CAGR of over 25% during 2015-20.

As India maintain  its space and proper growth  and development, we are going back to the
roots of the field. 

There has been slightly steady but sudden rise in the use of organic products. the demand for organic food in india is raising the fastest due to the many advantages of such a food. 

The Indian government constantly working towards promoting and  widering the  organic food market through national project on organic farming  scheme.

As the global Demand  for organic food is soring, seen as healthier and batter option for both the people and the environment , it is creating boom for small producer.
The Indian economy has enjoyed rapid expansion in organic market in recent years , according to recently published research report india. 

However, the market for organic food is not yet raedy to deal at such large measures. many upper and middle class family are choosing to settle for pure organic food and wheeling to pay premium of 10-15% for organic food products.


what is urban agriculture and types?

Urban agriculture can be described as the growing of plants and the rearing of animals primarily for food and other domestic use within a city or a town and its environs. It also involves activities such as the production, producing, marketing, and delivery of farming products. urban agriculture consists of a number of production systems. they vary from domestic production and household level processing to large scale agriculture .the are usually done within the city periphery.

urban agriculture shows great potential in the fulfillment of basic human needs, it not only provides food but also ensures a sustainable distribution and production system thereby creating employment opportunities and regular income for individuals. It also helps countries in the protection of their environment and saving upon their foreign currency and transportation costs.


 common types of urban agriculture?

  • backyard gardens
  • greenhouses
  • forest gardens
  • rooftops fardens
  • green walls
  • vertical farms
  • tactical gardens
  • street landscaping


what is natural Farming? How is it different from organic farming?

Natural agriculture farming is a system where the laws of nature are applied to agriculture farming practices. This method works with the natural biodiversity area, encouraging the complexity of living organisms, both plants, and animals that each particular ecosystem to thrive along with food plants.

similarities between natural farming and organic farming:

  • Natural and organic both are chemical-free and more or less poison-free farming methods.
  • Both systems discourage farmers from using any chemical fertilizers, pesticides on plants, and in all agriculture practices.     
  • Both farming methods encourage farmers to use local breeds of seeds, and native varieties of vegetables, grains, pulses, and other crops.
  • Organic and natural farming methods promote nonchemical and homemade pest control methods.

  A key difference between natural farming and organic farming:

  • In organic farming, organic fertilizer and manure like compost, vermicompost cow dung manure, etc.are used and added to farmlands from external sources.
  • In natural farming, neither chemical nor organic fertilizer is added to the soil.
  • organic farming still requires basic agro practices like plowing, writing, mixing of manures, weeding, etc.
  • Organic farming is still expensive due to the requirement of bulk manures, and it has an ecological impact on surrounding environments.
  • There are many working models of natural farming all over the world, the zero budget natural farming is the most popular model in India.

Plantation farming?


 Plantation farming was a system of agriculture in which large farms in India and harvest cotton, rice, sugar, tobacco, and other farm produce for trade and export.

 In plantation farming crops were planted on a large scale with usually just one major plant species growing.

    Facts about plantation farming

 Crops were planted on a large scale with usually just one major plant species growing. The economy of plantation farming was based on agriculture mass production requiring a large labor force.

 Plantation farming specialized in the growth of just one major plant species.

 The crops ideally suited to plantation farming in south India were cotton, tobacco, rice, sugar, cane, and indigo.

 The mass production of crops required suitable transport systems for the goods to market. the waterways of south India a natural transport system.

 The reason that the system of planataion farming sprang up in south India was due to the climate of the regions.

 Plantation farming requires a tropical or subtropical region. plantation crops were determined by soil.the fertile soil of the south kinda was highly suited to the growth of plants used in plantation farming.

 The longer a crops harvest period, the more efficient was plantation farming. typical plantation ranged from 500 to 900 acres. each acre produced about 5000 plants.

 Plantation farming required minimum inputs from the owners -overseers were hired to manage the slaves and crop production.

 There was limited machinery available to helps with the arduous work related to plantation farming -the work was all done by the slaves.




future of agriculture?

                                                   Board, School, Immediately, Soon, Equal, In The Future

   Future agriculture will use sophisticated technologies such as robots, temperature and moisture sensors, aerial images, and GPS technology, these advanced devices, and precision agriculture and robotics systems will allow farms to be more profitable, efficient, safe, and environmentally friendly.

 The future of agriculture?

Drip irrigation:
 Agriculture accounts for 70% of all water usage. the agriculture industry needs to focus on improving water quality and also address water scarcity. this water conscious solution also translates into economic saving for farmers.

Precision farming:

 Many things can happen over the course of a growing season. precision farming technologies can help eliminate uncertainty at least further reduce risks. precision farming involves gathering data via connected hardware like GPS-equipped tractor or sensors.

Drones in agriculture:

 Imagine a drone that, in addition to mapping the cropping area, will also example: identify where the weeds are, which type they are , disease, and localize the application of agrochemicals.

Focus on soil health:

 Soil health could very well be the next frontier in farming. while we know the benefits of reduced tillage in preserving soils and preventing erosion and moisture loss, we are still in our infancy regarding the complexities of the soil biome.

Enhanced hybridization:

 The use of hybrid seeds enables better heterosis in unfavorable soil and climatic condition such as saline soils and rainfed ecosystems. better water stress tolerance in hybrids endured good yields even in case of low rainfall as witnessed over the last few years

 Short duration hybrids produced more in less duration and thus consume less water.hybrid seeds with inbuilt traits can provide additional disease tolerance.

what is Organic Farming?


    Organic farming is an agriculture system that originated early in the 20th century in reaction to rapidly changing farming practices. certified organic agriculture accounts for approximately 69 million hectares globally.

  what is organic farming?

  • the organic farming system in India is not new and is being followed from ancient is a method of a farming system that primarily aimed at cultivating the land and reading crops in such a way, as to keep the soil alive and in good health by use of organic wastes.
  • as per the definition of organic farming "organic farming is a system which avoids or largely excludes the use of synthetic inputs and the maximum extent feasible rely upon crop rotation, crop residues, animal manures and biological system of nutrients mobilization and plant protection.
  • organic products are grown under a system of agriculture without the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides with an environmentally and socially responsible approach.
  • India is bestowed with a lot of potentials to produce all varieties of organic products due to its various agro climate regions.


How climate impacts on agriculture food supply?

   The world population is expected to grow to almost 10 billion by almost 2050. with 3 billion more mouths to feed, and the growing desire of the middle class for meat and dairy in developing countries, global demand for food could increase by between 59 and 98 percent. This means that agriculture around the world needs to step up production and increase the production of the yields. But scientists say that impacts of climate change -higher temp, extreme whether decreasing the quantity of food supply.

      Weather extremes

   Eighty percent of the world crops are rainfed, so most farmers depend on the predictable weather agriculture has adapted to in order to produce their crops. However, climate change is alternating rainfall patterns around the world.

   When temperatures rise,the warmer air holds more moisture and can make precipitation more intense.which is becoming more common can directly damage crops, resulting in decreased yields.

   This is happening in major food-producing regions such as the India, USA, Iran Iraq.

       Rising temperatures

   Global warming may benefit certain crops, such as potatoes in India and rice in West Africa, and enable some farmers to grow new crops that only thrive in warmer areas today.

    The ultimate effects of rising heat depend on each crop's optimal range of temperature for growth and reproduction. If temperature exceed this range, yields will drop because heat stress can disrupt a plant's pollination, flowering, root development, and growth stages.